Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Dancer’s Dilema: Should I Go To College?

While a career as a professional dancer is rewarding, it can also be extremely demanding. The toll that it can take on a dancer’s body can often lead to a short-lived professional career. Based on that fact, many dancers often struggle with the decision of whether they should go to college or immerse themselves in their career immediately after they graduate from high school in order to maximize the years their bodies are able to endure the physical stresses of the industry.

While most ballet dancers who have the potential to become professional dancers either join a company or a conservatory immediately after high school, dancers who pursue other types of dance including modern, hip hop, and lyrical have more flexibility in their decision. This decision is usually made after weighing the pros and cons and making a decision that’s best for the individual.

Some critics argue that the majority of college dance programs are not designed to train professional dancers, and that dancers benefit most from professional experience accompanied by studio classes. Others argue that a college degree helps dancers to prepare for post-dance careers, develop their level of maturity and learn many of the skills they will need to live in cities like New York, Los Angeles or Chicago where there are lots of opportunities for work.

If you’re a dancer and you’re struggling with whether or not college is right for you, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have other interests outside of dance that are equally important to you that can be nurtured by attending college?
  • Do you have a desire to teach at the collegiate level as a post-dance career?
  • Do you think college would be beneficial in helping you learn important life skills and lessons such as meeting deadlines and following through on projects before you head out into the real world?
  • Is having a “backup plan” important to you?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then college may be an important step in your journey. However, if you’re still not sure, you might also look into colleges that offer delayed enrollment, which would allow you to take the professional route for a year with the option of entering college the following year. Some dancers also try community college while pursuing their dance career in order to earn credits in a less demanding setting.

If you’d like to explore professional dance opportunities in your area, visit http://www.StarSearchCasting.com and check out some of our casting notices.

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